“Magic is engaging the Unseen Mystery in order to effect change for the better.” Janie Chandler

Clarity. Joy. Vitality.

Would You Like to Experience More Magic in Your Life?

  • Feel more joy, creativity and inspiration?
  • Experience more vitality and better health overall?
  • Manage insomnia, anxiety, and depression more easily?
  • Diminish overwhelm and brain fog?

Empower Your Self-Healing

Energy medicine is an ancient wisdom that has been forgotten in our high-tech, low-touch society – and yet it’s the simplest, most accessible form of health care available to anyone.

Understanding yourself as an energy-being and knowing how to clear, organize, and focus your energies are invaluable steps toward achieving physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Dedicate Yourself to Your Personal Evolution

Engage your subtle energies with tools and insights drawn from various healing traditions to discipline your mind, strengthen your immunity, improve your clarity and focus, increase your vitality and joy, and live a consciously responsive – not reactive – life, in tune with the rhythms of nature.

What is Energy Medicine

What Is Energy Medicine?

Janie Chandler Work With Me

Work With Me





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