A Gentle Path Through Grief Grief has a way of blanketing our lives, turning once-vibrant moments into shades of gray and making everyday tasks feel monumental. It can weigh heavily on the heart, leaving us feeling isolated and disconnected. In these moments, energy...
Neurolymphatic Reflex Points are important for helping your lymphatic system to process the metabolic waste that comes from strong emotional response among other metabolic processes. Working these points are great to keep your immunity strong and your...
Nadi Suddhi Breath is one of the best ways I know how to balance polarities, get energies crossing over the mid-line of the body, and get centered in oneself. This is one of my most-used pranayama (breathing practices), set to one of my favorite pieces...
I love that the celebration of Father’s Day is timed so closely with the Summer Solstice, because they both call our attention to the masculine impulse of Creation. The Summer Solstice is the height of the year’s cycle here in the northern hemisphere. It is the peak...
Since on Mother’s Day our collective focus is on Mothers, I would like to broaden the perspective and evoke our memory of The Divine Feminine, the One Mother who informs all that we consider to be mothering. This beloved attribute of the I AM presence, shows up...
“There are no wrong choices – just different outcomes.” How invested are you in the idea that there are right and wrong choices, and what does it mean about you if you make the ‘wrong’ choice? For many people the belief that there are right and wrong...