Those of you who know me know that I am keen on engaging fascia in order to facilitate the movement of subtle energy in our bodies. Here are two ways that I have adapted Donna Eden techniques to engage the fascia in order to access the subtle energies...
Are Your Tending to Your Immunity? You’ve probably noticed this – but the world is a very weird place right now. The strength of our stamina and immunity (both mental and physical) is crucial to riding out this singular moment in human history. It is my...
I am re-reading The Isaiah Effect by Gregg Braden (Random House, 2000) the subtitle of which is Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy. I have been fond of saying that “prayer is energy work using words”, but I addend that now to “prayer is energy work using...
A refined and loving way of soothing Triple Warmer, the governor of our Fight/Flight/Freeze response. With this posture-breath technique you’ll convey compassion and love to the Divine Masculine within.
This posture-breath combination helps to move energy out along Heart, Pericardium and Lung meridians, clearing those channels that are key to processing grief. These three meridians govern organs located within the field of the Heart Chakra. The heart of...