Grief, anguish, and despair are so prevalent in our time that no one is immune. Unless you’ve had your fingers in your ears, face turned toward the wall, and tongue trilling “la la la la la”, you will undoubtedly have had either first or second hand experience of...
Janie Chandler and Debra Burchard illustrate how to trace your meridians to help facilitate the flow of chi in the channels. Filmed with close-ups and at two different speeds; one slowly, with helpful (and amusing) narration; and a second time at a more...
This is an affirmative prayer that I use daily to remind myself that I am an expression of Source, the I AM Presence, and that I am much more than the limitations of my ego would have me believe. My thoughts, feelings and actions will create my reality...
Here is a very simple but powerful energy medicine routine for the health of your eyes. These exercises come from Donna Eden, and we filmed this as part of her 31-day Healthy Eye Challenge.
No matter how much gratitude, or grief, you are feeling on this thanks-giving day, take a deep pause and settle into your heart center and remember that we are all in this together – every last mother’s child. Native American, Immigrant American, Black, Brown,...