
Free Gifts for You

I am delighted to share with you as gifts what I hold as essential and beautiful means to enhance your wellbeing.

Explore and enjoy!

Grounding: The #1 Key to Balancing Your Energies

One of the most common energetic disturbances that modern humans experience is being ungrounded. You may experience this as feeling spacey, absent-minded, anxious, depressed, disconnected, or like you’re spinning your wheels.

Learn what grounding actually is and start feeling the benefits with simple and practical techniques.

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Reconciling the Body with Ho’oponopono

Bless your physical organs

Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. In this short meditation we borrow Ho’oponopono to reconcile ourselves with our bodies, and in particular, our organs.

By directing Ho’oponopono to each organ we develop body-awareness, and an appreciation of the bodily functions that go on under the surface of our conscious mind.