Come the first of August, Earth Element will enter again to mediate the shift from summer’s firey nature in1c8476e5-c3f1-4742-85b1-5cc605bc83cato autumn’s metal rhythm. This cross-quarter day was originally named for the God Lugh, the Sun King, who’s light begins to wane after the summer solstice, but as we find with pretty much every pagan holiday, the day was also Christianized with the event of Lammas, the celebration of the harvest of grain. No matter your personal spiritual perspective, this is a time once again to be aware of the turning from one element to the next – always a time to practice mindfulness and allowance. To honor this transition – this passing of the light and the reaping of the grain – you might want to bake bread and have a ritual feast. Share your bread and garden bounty with friends, offering a toast of thanks to the passing summer and blessings to each other that you may always be nourished, and never go hungry.