
One-to-One Sessions

Private. Focused. Restorative.

A private session online or in my office assesses and addresses subtle energies that are disorganized and creating imbalance in your energy body. These disorganized energies may result from fatigue, overwhelm, illness, depression, anxiety, and more. When your energies are rebalanced, your physical experience improves, allowing clarity, peace and vitality to reemerge.

A one-to-one session is an excellent choice to focus on specific issues you would like to resolve, or, or if you’re new to energy medicine, as an exploratory session to discover the overall state of your subtle energies and to find out how it feels to you.

What Happens During a Session?

In-office sessions involve hands-on work (my hands, your body) while you rest on the treatment table. I utilize the art and science of energy testing – also called muscle testing or energy kinesiology – to let your body speak for itself, as I assess and correct imbalances. This, combined with my intuitive understanding and extensive knowledge of the energy systems at work, gives me guidance in my therapeutic choices. I bring a refined and comforting quality of touch and presence to the process of balancing energies. My office is in beautiful Ashland, Oregon, home of Eden Energy Medicine.

How Does an Online Session Work?

My online sessions are educational, interactive, and deeply effective. When we meet online, I lead you through similar techniques as in a session in person; the difference is that you’ll do more work on yourself. Occasionally I will enhance the potency of your own touch by adding my energy virtually as well. I don’t do “remote healing” per se but use the skill of dowsing to assess the status of energies. I guide you through holding points and postures using specifically designed touch and breathing techniques to influence and reorganize subtle energies.

Ask Me Your Questions About a One-to-One Session

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