637cd739-8e73-4e76-8b1a-4f900fa60c5fThis is an exercise to use for balancing your Fire Element when you are feeling panicked, outside of yourself, or overwhelmed by chaos. It eases insomnia, anxiety and generally freaking out. It also promotes grounding.

•Rub your hands and shake them off, rest them on your thighs.

•Inhale deeply while bringing your hands above your head, meeting your fingertips in a pyramid. Exhale with the sound of “haaaa” as you bring your thumbs to the crown of your head. Rest there and inhale.

•Exhale while bringing your thumbs to your third eye. Rest there and inhale.

•Exhale as you bring your thumbs to the center of your chest. Rest there and inhale.

•Exhale as you flatten your hands on your hara, thumbs to your navel, fingertips above the pubic bone making a triangle with your hand. Rest there and inhale.

•Exhale as you smooth your open hands all the way down the outside of your legs.

•Inhale as you draw your hands up the inside of your legs, ending with your palms on your thighs.

Repeat as necessary.