What good beauty,

     without an eye to behold?

What good song,

     without an ear to hear?

What good the sweet flavor of peach

     without a nose to smell?

What good a touch or caress

     without a body to feel?

Beauty is the offering

     Beholding is the receiving.

Song is the offering

     Listening is the receiving.

Flavor is the offering

     Tasting is the receiving.

Scent is the offering

     Smelling is the receiving.

Touch is the offering

     Feeling is the receiving.

Opening, Closing

Inhaling, Exhaling

Rising, Falling

Giving, Receiving

This is the sacred pulse of All That Is.

It is the sacred pulse of your own breath

     the sacred pulse of your own heartbeat

It is the sacred pulse of your inspiration and revelation.

In this embodied experience we must do our part equally:

Offer beauty and behold beauty

Offer song and listen to song

Offer nourishment and savor nourishment

Offer our full presence and receive the scent of the moment

Offer our loving touch and receive the caress of the Beloved.

In this way the Life Force Impulse continues to expand and create through us.

The Beloved is a generous benefactor

but does not waste Its energy knocking on closed doors.

~ Janie Chandler, August 2011

Original Art by L. Carlson